Decentralized. That’s the keyword for the 2020s.
Entertainment has been decentralized, with more and more movies skipping the theater and going right to streaming. Socialization has become decentralized, as we all have a few close friends we’ve never even met in person. And of course, the workplace is decentralized.
This can mean being cooped up in a spare closet in your home with a laptop, or, it can mean having a mobile office. Something that you can take with you anywhere you need to go to get your work done. Because sometimes a home office won’t cut it. Sometimes you need somewhere for the staff to work. Sometimes you need to be on-site for a new construction project, or you just need a fully-equipped office that’s ready to go when you are.
This is where a customized shipping container can come in handy.
The Mobile Office Of The Future
If you’ve never seen a custom office shipping container, you might be expecting a basic metal box with a desk inside and… that’s about it. But a shipping container office can be quite a bit more than that.
If you get down to it, a 20-foot shipping container is just a box. But so is the casing for your computer. So is a house. It’s what you do with the box and what’s inside of it that counts.
A mobile office is typically going to be built from a new or used shipping container, and then you add framing, insulation, drywall, plumbing, electric wiring, flooring, furniture and so on. An office built from a container is still an office. The only difference from a conventional office is what the basic structure is made of.
Temporary Workstations
No matter your industry, you may find, at times, that you need to hire on more freelancers than you can house. When it’s crunch time and you need a dozen more programmers to ship your app on time, you could rent out more office space and wind up with more real estate than you need once the project is completed, or you could bring in a couple 40-foot shipping
Any work that has to do with harvesting essentially demands a mobile workplace. There’s no point in building a cabin for a lumber company when you’re going to be packing up and moving a quarter mile west in a few months. Likewise, seasonal work makes a lot more sense when you can bring your whole office with you at first snowfall.
It’s not just software, lumber and fishing. The nature of any business in the modern day is fluid. We used to buy whole office floors, or even build a tower from the ground up, to house our workplace. In the 2020s that feels like an unwise investment for any but the very top one percent of companies in the world.
Striking While The Iron’s Hot
In the 2020s, an advertising company, for example, may be working on a six-figure account for a Forbes 500 business one week, and then helping local food trucks get the word out the next. It’s all about adaptability.
Today’s economy is a difficult environment for the rigid, slow-moving companies of the past, and the modern entrepreneur is someone who can go with the flow, someone who can surf on new trends and make changes on the fly. In the 2020s, it’s all about striking while the iron is hot.
Sometimes that means setting up a 20-foot shipping container studio and hiring on some temporary staff, and sometimes that means bringing your 10-foot shipping container with you to a new city so that you can be on the ground floor of a booming industry.
Built For Anything, Just Like You
With container-based offices, a big part of the appeal is just how customizable they are. If you want to clear out the interior walls and set up a mobile martial arts school, you can do that. If you want to install more walls in a 40-foot shipping container to give every employee their own office space, that’s an option, too. Whether you need more windows or less, a second bathroom or, a kitchenette, you can add or subtract whatever you like without having to get the landlord’s permission.
Running a business in the 2020s means being ready to adapt to anything, at a moment’s notice. An office shipping container allows for just that.